Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holy crap…I’m married!

So sorry for the delay, good readers.  Our honeymoon was Tuesday to Tuesday after the wedding, and as my blog-writing day is Tuesday, I’m a little behind.  I’ve been dying to share all the details with you, so here we go!

I started my wedding day by waking up an hour before my alarm.  I couldn’t get back to sleep, WAY too excited, so I got up and started my day.  Showered, dressed, ate a light breakfast, etc.  Synced the iPod with reception music…and ran out of stuff to do.  I literally sat on my butt for an hour before makeup and photography arrived.  Who has time to kill on their wedding morning???  Crazy people like me apparently. Got my makeup done, my cousin arrived and we packed up his truck with all our décor and stuff, then the town car arrived to take us to the museum.  We were on the road just after 11 am.

Well, we were supposed to arrive at the museum at noon, which was when they would start letting us set up, but of course we got there at like 11:20.  Oops.  Luckily they let us in a little after 11:30.  We started setting everything up, our team of bridesmaids, groomsmen, and assorted family.  Then it was time for Simon and me to get dressed for portraits.  My aunt assisted me, and it literally took upwards of half an hour to get me in my gown.  Corset back, multiple layers, the works.  Then I’m like, where’s Simon? Setting up the ceremony room, of course.  Finally got him into his tux, and by now we’re actually starting to run late.

We proceed to prance around the museum with our photographer, taking pics with huge audiences of museum-goers.  Especially funny were the kids, as I heard more than one little girl whisper, “Mommy…she’s so PRETTY!”  Melted my heart!  Then back up to the reception room for group photos.  I had given the photog a list, and she called off names.  Of course no one was paying attention and I finally let my Bridezilla side show by barking names and demanding they come have their picture taken NOW.  Hey, we were running late!  ;)

Pictures wrap up, set-up wraps up, and once again I have nothing to do but wait.  Not running late anymore!  Finally, it was time to go to the ceremony room!  The coordinator led us through the museum in our finery, which was as hilarious as it sounds.  We lined up in the hallway, and the music began. My uncle and I waited our turn at the back.  Then, the music changed to the Bridal March…it was time!  We walked slowly down the aisle towards Simon…only I didn’t walk all that slowly, and the aisle was VERY short.  I arrived at the end, kissed my uncle, turned towards Simon…and waited.  And waited.  The pianist tried desperately to wrap up the song without ending it abruptly, but I literally stood there, trying not to laugh, for at least a full minute.  Oops!

The ceremony proceeded, my cousin doing an AMAZING job officiating, just as I knew she would.  I arranged the whole ceremony, but we didn’t write any complicated vows; Simon is pretty shy, so I just had Darcy read them and we said “I do.” It’s amazing what those words can do to a woman.  I started tearing up as he said it.  By the time we got to “With this ring, I thee wed,” I almost lost it, especially when someone in the audience noticed me trying to keep my composure and let out a soft, “Awwwww.”  But I kept myself in check, somehow, and suddenly I was gleefully kissing my husband!

The reception was a blur.  We ate…some.  We drank a little. The best man and maid of honor speeches were AMAZING.  I almost cried during my sister’s.  I changed into my reception dress after only an hour and a half; the beading was chafing my arms something fierce.  The cake was TO DIE FOR.

I had a hilarious Twitter convo with Simon’s boss during the reception:
ginavanderloop - @CelestialAxis are you tweeting at your wedding?
@CelestialAxis - @ginavanderloop I have to, I'm a @TweetMyWedding bride. Obligated. :)
ginavanderloop - @CelestialAxis hahaha. That's very nerdy. I love it. What about the honeymoon? Will u tweet then?

It was a perfect day.  Sure, things went wrong.  I wasn’t wearing any lipstick most of the day.  The mothers never got their corsages somehow.  During the parents’ declaration of support, they all said “We do” like they were supposed to…except Simon’s dad, who said “Yes.”  I walked down the aisle too fast and had a nice awkward time waiting for the music to end.  But in the end, of course, like everyone says, none of that mattered.  In the end, I married the love of my life.  60 of our closest family and friends were there to support us. Everyone had a good time, and many beautiful pictures were taken.  It was PERFECT.  Next week, I’ll bring you my honeymoon re-cap and pics.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bachelorette party!

Well, my bachelorette party was pretty darn awesome.  Props to my sis/MoH Katy and everyone else who helped!  The night started with a stretch limo showing up at my house.  My sis had filled it with balloons, beaded necklaces, booze, and candy.  Win!  First stop was the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.  Nom!

After that we hit karaoke.  I sang “The Rose” by Bette Midler, one of my faves.  It was a great crowd, mainly older people, which is much more my speed.  I’m not the clubbing type and fit in better with older people.  I hate crowds and noise.

Overall I only had about three drinks and came home barely buzzed at 12:30 am.  A bit different from Simon’s drunken party!  ;)  At least I wasn’t sick like him.  I much preferred my low-key night.

It’s getting down to the wire!  Final week!  I still feel like there’s so much to do.  I finally finished the scrapbook I’m displaying at the reception:

It basically chronicles our relationship from first meeting to wedding planning.

I got in touch with my rehearsal dinner caterer, Smokey’s BBQ.  We’re having pulled pork, BBQ chicken, Portobello mushrooms with tomatoes, Waldorf salad, potato salad, cornbread, cookies, and brownies.  It will be delivered to our house with chafing dishes and paper ware, only $24/person for 25 people.  Not bad!  I also bought personalized s’mores for rehearsal dinner favors, and I may bake a couple more apple pies with all the damn apples I have.

Picked up my wedding gown, which is obviously key.  And finally, finished printing and assembling my 22-page wedding instruction manual.  Six copies of it.

Basically it includes the schedule of the day, photos and instructions on how to set up all the décor, and cell phone numbers for the vendors, family, and wedding party.  My cousin’s wife is my go-to woman while I’m getting ready and taking pics, so no one has to bother me.  There will be multiple copies of that manual in circulation.  Everything SHOULD go smoothly.  *fingers crossed*

So that’s it folks!  By the time this is posted, my wedding will be two days away.  This is the last time you’ll hear from me before my wedding.  The day of, my friends and I will be tweeting from my account, @CelestialAxis.  Other than that, look for a quick re-cap next week and a full re-cap with photos a couple of weeks after the honeymoon!  Wish us luck!!!